

jobs: Postdoc position at MIT in MBE thin film growth and superconducting spintronics


Applications and nominations are welcome for a postdoctoral position in the field of experimental condensed matter physics in Moodera Research Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The opening focuses on superconducting spintronics, utilizing state-of-the-art metal-based molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) facilities and advanced mK scanning tunneling microscope (STM). There are also other interface, topologically driven phenomena with superconductors and topological insulator thin film heterostructures under intense study, focusing on growth, characterization and transport.

Applicants with proven excellent credentials should submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests (up to a page or two), and arrange three letters of reference. The application materials should be emailed to: Dr. Jagadeesh S. Moodera (moodera ‘at’ mit ‘dot’ edu). Review of applications will begin immediately. MIT is an equal employment opportunity employer. Applications from women and minority candidates are especially encouraged.