
Past Tutorials


Sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society

Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Leliaert and Dr. Jeroen Mulkers (Ghent University )

Agenda and Schedule

Monday 08/31/20, 12PM-2PM ET (6PM-8PM CET)

Session 1 (video): general introduction to micromagnetics in mumax3

Session 2 (video): mumax3 ecosystem, workflow and a first simulation

Monday 09/07, 12PM-1:30PM ET (6PM-7:30PM CET)

Session 3 (video): basic examples

Monday 09/14, 12PM-1:30PM ET (6PM-7:30PM CET)

Session 4 (video): advanced features and more extensive examples

Important Links

The workshop repository can be found at  https://mumax.ugent.be/mumax3-tutorial/


Sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society

Instructor: Dr. Marijan Beg (University of Southampton)

Agenda and Schedule

Session 1 (video): 12-1:30 pm (ET) Thursday, June 18.  Introduction to micromagnetics and Ubermag  

Session 2 (video): 12-1:30 pm (ET) Thursday, June 25.  Micromagnetic models and drivers in Ubermag 

Session 3 (video): 12-1:30 pm (ET) Thursday, July 2.  Data analysis and visualisation 

Important Links

The workshop repository can be found at https://github.com/ubermag/workshop 

Installation is discussed at the Ubermag YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7MSqVQSMFV42R1jAYmKGLg 

Micromagnetics and OOMMF

Sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society

Instructor: Dr. Michael Donahue (NIST)

Agenda and Schedule

Session 1 (video; slides): 12-2 pm (ET) Thursday, May 21. Fundamentals of micromagnetic simulations; installation of OOMMF.

Session 2 (video; slides): 12-2 pm (ET) Tuesday, May 26. Installation on Linux; setting up OOMMF simulations.

Session 3 (video; slides): 12-2 pm (ET) Tuesday, June 2. Common pitfalls, working with MIF files, command-line tools, working with extensions.

Session 4 (video; slides): 12-2 pm (ET) Tuesday, June 9. Advanced topics (continued).

Important links

The home page of OOMMF is at https://math.nist.gov/oommf/oommf.html.

Instructional materials for this tutorial series are being posted at https://math.nist.gov/oommf/oommf_tutorial/tutorial.html.

A dedicated discussion forum for this tutorial has been set up at https://nanohub.org/groups/oommf_users/forum/. In order to post, you need to register an account with nanohub.org and request membership in the OOMMF user group (find the button on the page linked above). The forum is here.